Nicola, the wine and the vineyard #12

Twelfth page of my journal. This is an important post: the idea for this monthly newsletter was born exactly one year ago. A little over a year ago a new journey began and the relationship with all of you became close and my cellar has never been the same since then.

Nicola, the wine and the vineyard #12

In the vineyard: open buds and zero treatments

The vineyard is in full swing. The buds, which will bring the fruit to life, are more vibrant than ever.

As you know, my vineyards are scattered around the Gussago hill. From my point of view, having a "fragmented" vineyard can bring many advantages compared to a "single body" vineyard, including a wider range of choice during the cuveé.

At this moment the Chardonnay (Cru Cudula) and the Pinot Noir (Cru Campiani) are earlier than the other Crus due to them east exposition. The vineyard is healthy and vigorous, also thanks to the rain of the last few days.

We haven't had to carry out any treatment in the vineyard yet.
Fingers crossed for the next few months!

In the cellar: maceration ended

In this in-depth analysis I want to tell you about two wines in particular: Negus and Febo.
These two wines are thrilling you year after year. They are two still wines that I produce in very limited quantities. One of the key steps is maceration on the skins.

"maceration" is the more or less prolonged contact of the marc with the must: this allows the dissolution of the pigments contained in the skins as well as other extractive substances that characterize the wine.

The long macerations (about 7 months) of the Chardonnay, Barbera and Marzemino grapes ended in these days. In my macerations, the bunch is whole and oxygen is absent in order to preserve the longevity of the bottled wine.

The 3 best bottles - sea view.

๐Ÿพ Krug 2003

๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ Echézeaux
Grand Cru 2014
Emmanuel Rouget

๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ Puligny Montrachet
Les Pucelles
Domaine Leflaive 2000

Nicola, the wine and the vineyard #12

2 years ago
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โ€œThe principle is to enhance a territory that is different in nature and origins, with the aim of obtaining wines that represent it without compromise.โ€

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Nicola Gatta Agricola — Via San Rocco 37 , 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy — VAT number 04037270982 — REA BS-583420 - Cap. Soc. 10,000โ‚ฌ i.v. —
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