Pinot noir - Nature

Rose de Noirs

  • 60 
The great minerality slowly blends with the well-known organoleptic characteristics of low-temperature maceration. Despite the 60 moons of aging (about 60 months), the fruity notes are also evident, always remaining fresh and fine. Zero dosage. Zero added sulfites.
Rose de Noirs
Rose de Noirs
Rose de Noirs
Check the back label: you will find information on disgorgement, sugars and total sulfur dioxide. I do not add sulphites to my wines.

My wines

Only spontaneous fermentations with indigenous yeasts. Zero added sulphites.
“The principle is to enhance a territory that is different in nature and origins, with the aim of obtaining wines that represent it without compromise.”

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Nicola Gatta Agricola — Via San Rocco 37 , 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy — VAT number 04037270982 — REA BS-583420 - Cap. Soc. 10,000€ i.v. —
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